The MetaRheinMain ChaosDays (MRMCD) is an (annual, mostly) conference founded in 2004 that takes place in Darmstadt, Germany. Since 2012 in cooperation with Hochschule Darmstadt (HDA). The MRMCDs want to foster the discussion about new technologies and developments concerning the internet and society at large.
This year the MRMCDs are organised by Chaos Computer Club Mannheim and the RaumZeitLabor hackerspace. You will have the chance to talk about and discuss with other participants everything concerning the digital new world we all love and live in so much these days. You will also be able to socialise.
We have got a Check-In complete with a full-body scanner located in building D14 of h_da. Three days worth of broadly scoped talks and workshops will be offered there. You can discuss new technologies and developments.
You fellow travelers, by the way, will be very broad-minded and interested in all kinds of technical things. In the past years, they talked and informed themselves about topics such as developments in the Open Source movement(s), applied and theoretical cryptography, IT security, social networks, embedded systems, programming languages, anonymity, network politics and even rocket science.
Why did we choose the slogan “Security advice: Do not leave your brain unattended”? To tell you the truth, it’ s a sideblow, really. We believe the hysterical demand for more security at all costs our society seems to believe in so strongly these days is not a good thing. Virtues like common sense and independent thinking seem to get lost in all these futile attempts to making the world feel like a more secure place.